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May 31, 2012

Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/31/2012 Tags: , , , , ,

Selene - A Stunning & Sleek jQuery UI Theme

Selene is a stunning and sleek jQuery UI Theme.  The whole set of widgets has been carefully styled and looks great, with great color combinations.  Check out the demo to get a feel of Selene.

Requirements: jQuery, jQuery UI
License: MIT License
Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/31/2012 Tags: , , , ,

IcoMoon - A Free Icon Set Of 300 Superb Icons, Also Available As Web Font

IcoMoon is a free icon set of 300 superb icons, also available as Web Font.  Use the @font‑face method to have your icons in vector and in any size or color. You may basically add any CSS effect you wish.  IcoMoon is fully accessible and compatible with screen readers.

IcoMoon is supported in IE (6+), iOS Devices, Android, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari.  Come with a complete documentation and a developer-friendly license.

Requirements: None
License: CC Attribution 3.0 License
Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/31/2012 Tags: , , ,

FileReader.js - A JavaScript Library That Allows You To Read Local Files As Binary

FileReader.js is a JavaScript interface that allows you to read local files as binary  It is intended to make accessing files via the FileReader interface easier.  FileReader.js does not require any other libraries. If you do use jQuery, there is a small plugin wrapping up the functionlity.

Browser Support

  • Internet Explorer: 10+
  • Firefox: 10+
  • Chrome: 13+
  • Opera: 12+
  • Safari: (Partial)

Requirements: None
License: MIT License
Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/31/2012 Tags: , , , ,

AjaxQ jQuery Plugin - A Tiny, Simple jQuery Plugin For Sequential Ajax Requests

AjaxQ jQuery Plugin is a tiny, simple jQuery plugin for sequential ajax requests.  Using AjaxQ is easy. Add the plugin into your project, then instead of calling $.ajax(opts); call $.ajaxq(name, opts);

Any requests added with the same queue name will be processed sequentially. It is possible to have more than one queue running in parallel by using different queue names.


  • Tiny. AjaxQ weighs in at 465 bytes minified and gzipped.
  • Simple. Less code means that less can go wrong. Take a look at the JavaScript.
  • Consistent. AjaxQ returns a promise that matches the return type of the $.ajax API.

Requirements: jQuery
License: MIT License
Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/31/2012 Tags: , , , ,

Purty Social Icon Set - 20 Bright And Colorful Social Media Icons

Purty Social Icons is a set of 20 bright and colorful social media icons.  All the icons come in two different styles.  Included in the free download is the fully layered PSD and exported .PNGs for you.

Requirements: None
License: Free
Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/31/2012 Tags: , , , , ,

Timing — A jQuery Plugin For Easy-To-Use Methods To Define Timeouts And Intervals

jQuery Timing provides easy-to-use methods to define timeouts and intervals just in line with all your jQuery stuff.

It supplements the existing functionality from the jQuery effects queue (fxq) by introducing a new timed invocation chain technique (tic).

The tic-method .join([queueName]) allows a timed invocation chain to wait until all the animations and effects currently being queued in an Effect Queue finishes.

The above code allows blinking by repeated toggling of CSS class every 300 milliseconds.  The repeat method is what the jQuery Timing plugin makes available to the programmer.  Among the various other methods are:

  • .join()
  • .repeat()
  • $.repeat()
  • .then()
  • $.then()
  • .unrepeat()
  • $.unrepeat()
  • .until()
  • .unwait()
  • $.unwait()
  • .wait()
  • $.wait() 
Nearly all the functions have a chained version and a static version for you to use.

Requirements: jQuery
License: MIT License
Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/31/2012 Tags: , , , , ,

Redactor - A jQuery WYSIWYG Editor With A Streamlined Interface For Online Editing

Redactor is a jQuery WYSIWYG Editor with a streamlined interface for online editing of your documents.  Redactor allows you to use multiple editors on a single page.

It also has built-in keyboard shortcuts for easy use of formatting and editing features.  Redactor has two versions of its toolbar: standard and minimalistic.  You can add new custom buttons to it or simple turn it off.

Redactor also has image and file upload support.  Additionally it has an auto-save feature which can be set to save the data in the editor at a user-specified time interval and a full-screen mode.  You can access the full Redactor API here.

Requirements:  jQuery
License: CC Attribution 3.0 License
Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/31/2012 Tags: , , , , , ,

jQuery Handsontable - A Minimalistic Approach To Excel-Like Table Editor In HTML & jQuery

jQuery Handsontable is a minimalistic approach to Excel-like table editor in HTML and jQuery.


  • Autoexpanding - Adds new rows and cols automatically, width and height of cells auto-adjust to content.
  • Copy Paste Compatibility - Data can be copied and pasted between  jQuery Handsontable, MS Excel, Google Spreadsheet or LibreOffice.
  • Legend - The legend feature makes the first row uneditable and have an green font.
  • Autocomplete - You can define rules for autocompletition.
  • Scroll - If you want scrollbars, just set it in the container CSS.
  • Drag-down - There is a little square (fill handle) in the corner of a selected cell. You can drag it (drag-down) to repeat the values from the cell.
  • Context menu - You can implement context menus.  Right click on a cell to see the context menu.
  • Custom Buttons - The alter method can be used if you want insert or remove rows and columns using external buttons.
  • Save - Use the onChange callback to track changes made in the table.

Requirements: jQuery
License: MIT License
Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/31/2012 Tags: , , , , ,

Happy.js - Lightweight Form Validation For jQuery Or Zepto.js

Happy.js is a lightweight form validation for jQuery or Zepto.js.  Happy.js is really lightweight and extendable.

Browser Support

  • IE 6, 8 (and 8 in compat. mode, which is supposed to be like 7)
  • FF 3.6
  • Chrome 7
  • Safari 5

Requirements: jQuery or Zepto.js
License: MIT License

May 29, 2012

Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/29/2012 Tags: , , , ,

OpenWeb Icons - An Extension To Font Awesome, The Iconic Font Designed For Use With Twitter Bootstrap

OpenWeb Icons is an extension to Font Awesome, The Iconic Font Designed For Use With Twitter Bootstrap.  OpenWeb Icons has been created because of some missing icons in the original Font Awesome package.  This extension contains several other icons, like the RSS icon, the Share icon and more.

Requirements: None
License: CC Attribution 3.0 License
Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/29/2012 Tags: , , , ,

gMaps.js - A JavaScript Library For Google Maps API With Less Pain And More Fun

gMaps.js allows you to use the potential of Google Maps in a simple way.  No more extensive documentation or large amount of code.  It allows you to create basic, event and marked maps.  You can also use services like Geolocation and Geocoding.  You can have Overlays and Polylines too, along with Routes, Static Maps and other utilities.

Requirements: None
License: MIT License
Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/29/2012 Tags: , , , , , ,

AngularJS - Superheroic JavaScript MVC Framework By Google

AngularJS lets you extend HTML vocabulary for your application.  HTML is great for declaring static documents, but it falters when we try to use it for declaring dynamic views in web-applications.  The resulting environment from AngularJS is extraordinarily expressive, readable, and quick to develop in.

AngularJS is a toolset for building the framework most suited to your application development. It is fully extensible and works well with other libraries. Every feature can be modified or replaced to suit your unique development workflow and feature needs. Read on to find out how.

Requirements: None
License: MIT License

May 28, 2012

Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/28/2012 Tags: , , ,

SweetiePlus Free Icon Set - 120 Icons, Perfect For Use In Websites Or Apps

SweetiePlus is a free icon set and is currently made up of 120 icons, perfect for use in websites or apps.  The icons are available in two different sizes, 24×24 and 16×16 in the PNG format.

Requirements: None
License: CC Attribution 3.0 License
Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/28/2012 Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

Transparency - A Minimal Template Engine For jQuery

Transparency is a minimal template engine for jQuery. It maps JSON objects to DOM elements with zero configuration. Just call .render().


  • Semantic data binding - No <%=foo%> or {{foo}} assignments polluting the HTML
  • Collection rendering - No need for hand-written loops in the HTML
  • Valid HTML templates - Write templates as a part of the HTML, in plain HTML. Use any HTML editor you like
  • Plain JavaScript logic - All the power without learning yet another micro programming language
  • Blazing fast - Templates are cached and optimized automatically

Transparency is compatible with IE9+, Chrome, Firefox, iOS, Android and other mobile browsers. Support for older IE browsers requires jQuery.

Requirements: jQuery
License: MIT License
Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/28/2012 Tags: , , , , , ,

Cheeky.css - A Sass Responsive Grid System Built To Stay Out Of Your Way

Cheeky.css is a responsive grid system built to stay out of your way. There are many great CSS frameworks already out there, but if a page uses too many of the provided styles, it runs the risk of looking like every other page using that framework. Cheeky aims to change that by providing a minimal starting point for you to run with.

Cheeky provides the basic elements needed to build a responsive, grid-based layout. You won't find fancy forms or buttons done up for you here. However, the included reset gives you a cross-browser baseline, and the grid system is simple and easy to work with.

Requirements: None
License: MIT License

May 26, 2012

Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/26/2012 Tags: , , , , ,

Free CSS Buttons Collection

CSS3 Buttons that use the simplest possible markup. They look best in WebKit-based browsers, almost as good in Firefox, with all other browsers falling back to a less-styled button.

These buttons are now implemented using Sass. The generated CSS for all the buttons is also available.

Requirements: None
License: MIT License
Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/26/2012 Tags: , , , , , , ,

Quake Slider - a jQuery Image/Content Slider Plugin

Quake Image Slider is a jQuery based image slider with cool animations effects and some of them are very unique. Like SwirlFadeIn, SwirlFadeOut and more.

With Quake image slider you can combine images with short summary/caption that helps you optimize contents for search engines and make SEO easy for you. You can also link your images to open detail for particular slide/image. With Quake Image Slider you have complete control over not just the orientation of each caption also you can control animation for each caption and provide different animation for each of the slide using callbacks.

Requirements: jQuery
License: MIT License
Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/26/2012 Tags: , , , , ,

Tablesort.js - A Small & Simple JavaScript Library For Sorting Tables

Tablesort.js is a small and simple sorting component for tables written in JavaScript. It has no dependencies and should have no interference with other libraries.


  • Sort strings
  • Sort numbers
  • Sort currency

Requirements: None
License: Free

May 25, 2012

Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/25/2012 Tags: , , , , , ,

jQuery Dice A jQuery Plugin To Display A Dice, Click On It And Retrieve A Random Number (Between 1 & 6)

jQuery Dice is a very simple plugin which allows to display a dice, click on it and retrieve a random number (between 1 and 6, of course.) You can easily modify the plugin to change the dice glyph.

Requirements: jQuery
License: BSD Licensed
Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/25/2012 Tags: , , , , , , , ,

jQuery.textntags - A jQuery UI Plugin Component To "@tag" Someone In A Text Message

jQuery.textntags is a small UI component that allows you to "@tag" someone in a text message, just like you are used to on Facebook or Twitter.

When tags are being added to the input, a marked-up version of the value is generated, to allow the tags to be extracted, parsed and stored later. 

Requirements: jQuery
License: MIT License
Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/25/2012 Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

Jwerty - Awesome Handling Of Keyboard Events

Jwerty is a JavaScript library which allows you to bind, fire and assert key combination strings against elements and events.  It normalises the poor standard API into something easy to use and clear.

Jwerty is a small library, weighing in at around 1.5KB bytes minified and gzipped (~3KB minified).  Jwerty has no dependencies, but is compatible with jQuery, Zepto or Ender if you include those packages alongside it.

Requirements: None
License: MIT License

May 24, 2012

Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/24/2012 Tags: , , ,

Meteocons - A Set Of 40+ Weather Icons Icons In PSD, CHS, EPS, SVG, Desktop Font & Web Font

Meteocons is a free weather icon set, it works perfect for apps or your new web project.  This set containg 40+ icons available in PSD, CHS, EPS, SVG, Desktop font and Web font.  You may use these icons for both commercial and personal projects and customize them any way you like.  All icon and updates are FREE.

Requirements: None
License: Free
Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/24/2012 Tags: , , , ,

jQuery Mask Plugin - A jQuery Plugin To Easily Implement Field Masks

jQuery Mask Plugin is a jQuery plugin to make implementing field masks a piece of cake.


  • String/Numeric/Alpha/Mixed masks.
  • Reverse Mask.
  • Data type validation.
  • Automatic maxlength.
  • Live event's for ajax/realtime apps.
  • Callbacks.
  • On-the-fly mask change.

Requirements: jQuery
License: MIT License
Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/24/2012 Tags: , , , , , ,

Qwery - The Tiny Selector Engine

Qwery is a small blazing fast query selector engine allowing you to select elements with CSS1|2|3 queries.  It's a port from where Simon Willison left off with his getElementsBySelector in 2003, and believe it or not, this is exactly where jQuery started.

Qwery supports all the basic CSS1 & CSS2 selectors, plus the additional (most important) attribute selectors from CSS3. Additionally it allows multi-selects (div,p) as well as context-aware selectors (like jQuery.find()).  Qwery is 1k (gzip+min) .

Browser Support

Qwery attempts to stay up to date with Yahoo's Grade A Browser Support in addition to future browser candidates.
  • IE6+
  • Chrome 1+
  • Safari 3+
  • Firefox 2+
  • Opera

Requirements: None
License: MIT License

May 23, 2012

Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/23/2012 Tags: , , , ,

Pjscrape - A Web-Scraping Framework Written In JavaScript, Using PhantomJS And jQuery

Pjscrape is a framework for anyone who's ever wanted a command-line tool for web scraping using JavaScript and jQuery. Built to run with PhantomJS, it allows you to scrape pages in a fully rendered, Javascript-enabled context from the command line, no browser required.


  • Client-side, Javascript-based scraping environment with full access to jQuery functions
  • Easy, flexible syntax for setting up one or more scrapers
  • Recursive/crawl scraping
  • Delay scrape until a "ready" condition occurs
  • Load your own scripts on the page before scraping
  • Modular architecture for logging and writing/formatting scraped items
  • Client-side utilities for common tasks
  • Growing set of unit tests

Requirements: jQuery, PhantomJS
License: MIT License
Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/23/2012 Tags: , , , , ,

firstImpression.js - A Micro-Library For Detecting New Visitors

firstImpression.js is a micro/nano-library (1 kb minified) that answers the simple question, “Has this user visited this site before?” The detection doesn’t require much logic, so the majority of the code is just a Plain JavaScript port of the popular jquery.cookie plugin.

Browser Support

This should work in any browser that supports cookies. Tested briefly in Chrome, Firefox, Opera, IE6-10, iOS, Android, and Opera Mobile.

Requirements: None
License: MIT License or GPL
Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/23/2012 Tags: , , , , , - A Proper jQuery Mobile Widget For Lazy Loading Listviews is a proper jQuery Mobile Widget for lazy loading listviews with AJAX calls to a server-side resource.

Lazyloading (i.e. loading the content as it's needed during a scroll of a listview or similar control) is a great way to optimize the performance of any app that contains a list of 50 or more items. With the LazyLoader Widget for jQuery Mobile, you can easily lazyload any listview without having to write a bunch of custom code to accomplish it. The idea is to enable the widget on index pageinit, and then track instances of pages that contain listviews that can all be independently lazyloaded with the main widget instance.

Note: This is only the client-side part of the lazyloading solution. It requires a server-side resource that returns a simple JSON formatted string.

Live demo of can be found on the demo of a larger project here:  Click on the "Live Demo" tab and log in.  Add a bunch of music to the queue (demo songs can be added more than once) and then go to view the Queue and the list of songs in the queue will be lazy loaded.

Requirements: jQuery, jQuery Mobile
License: MIT License

May 22, 2012

Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/22/2012 Tags: , , , ,

Matador - An Obvious MVC Framework For Node.js

Matador is a clean, organized framework for Node.js architected to suit MVC enthusiasts. It gives you a well-defined development environment with flexible routing, easy controller mappings, and basic request filtering. It’s built on open source libraries such as Hogan.js for view rendering, Klass for its inheritance model, Valentine for functional development, and Express to give a bundle of other Node server related helpers.

Requirements: Node.js
License: Apache License v2.0
Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/22/2012 Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

jQuery Scroll Depth - A jQuery Plugin To Track Page Scroll Depth

jQuery Scroll Depth is a jQuery plugin that tracks how far down the page a user has scrolled and then reports data back to Google Analytics using the GA Events API. The default behavior reports on the 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% scroll marks. It also sends an initial "Baseline" event to use as a benchmark.

In addition to the percentage scroll marks you can trigger events based on specific DOM elements. For example you can tell the plugin to report whenever the article comments div is scrolled into view, or whenever the footer is reached.

Data is sent to Google Analytics so it's required that you have Google Analytics tracking implemented on your site.

Plugin options

The plugin offers a few options:
  • minHeight: This lets you enable scroll tracking based on a minimum document height. "Only track scroll events for documents taller than 2000px." The default setting is 0 (i.e., all pages are tracked).
  • elements: This lets you record scroll events for specific elements on the page. "Track when the footer is scrolled into view." You can specify multiple elements but each should be a unique element. In other words you should specify IDs or singular HTML elements, not classes with multiple instances. The default setting is an empty array: [].
  • percentage: If you want to turn off the default scroll percentage tracking and only track certain DOM elements, set this to false. The default setting is true.

Requirements: jQuery, Google Analytics Asynchronous Tracking Snippet
License: MIT License or GPL
Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/22/2012 Tags: , , , , , ,

Chronoline.js - A Library For Making A Chronology Timeline Out Of Events On A Horizontal Timescale

Chronoline.js is a library for making a chronology timeline out of events on a horizontal timescale. From a list of dates and events, it can generate a graphical representation of schedules, historical events, deadlines, and more.

Browser Support

  • Internet Explorer 8+ (except the tooltips)
  • Firefox 12+
  • Chrome 18+

Requirements: jQuery, Raphael.js, qTip2
License: MIT License

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May 21, 2012

Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/21/2012 Tags: , , , , , ,

LiveScript - A Language Which Compiles Down To JavaScript, Derived From CoffeeScript

LiveScript is a language which compiles down to JavaScript. It is a fork of Coco which is in turn derived from CoffeeScript. Like those two it has a relatively straightforward mapping to JavaScript. LiveScript is Coco but much more compatible with CoffeeScript, more functional, and more feature rich. LiveScript aims for increased expressiveness and code beauty.

Requirements: Node.js
License: MIT License
Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/21/2012 Tags: , , , ,

WYSIHTML5 - A Better Approach To Rich Text Editing

WYSIHTML5 is an open source rich text editor based on HTML5 technology and the progressive-enhancement approach. It uses a sophisticated security concept and aims to generate fully valid HTML5 markup by preventing unmaintainable tag soups and inline styles.


  • It's fast and lightweight (smaller than TinyMCE, Aloha, ...)
  • Auto-linking of urls as-you-type
  • Generates valid and semantic HTML5 markup (even when the content is pasted from MS Word)
  • Uses class names instead of inline styles
  • Unifies line break handling across browsers
  • Uses sandboxed iframes in order to prevent identity theft through XSS
  • Speech-input for Chrome
  • No jQuery required

Browser Support

  •  Firefox 3.5+
  •  Chrome
  •  IE 8+
  •  Safari 4+
  •  Safari on iOS 5+
  •  Opera 11+
  • Graceful degradation: Unsupported browsers will get a <textarea>

Requirements: None
License: MIT License
Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/21/2012 Tags: , , , , , , , ,

SuperScrollorama - A jQuery Plugin For Doing Supercool Scroll Animation

SuperScrollorama is a jQuery plugin for doing supercool scroll animations.  You can fade text, fly it, spin it, scale it, smush it, pin it, slide it, wipe it, bounce it, color it, fling it, move it, parallax it, bring it among the various effects which SuperScrollorama  can perform.  Superscrollorama is powered by TweenMax and the Greensock Tweening Engine.

Requirements: jQuery
License: MIT License or GPL

May 19, 2012

Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/19/2012 Tags: , , , ,

Complexify - A jQuery Password Strength Meter Plugin

Complexify is a jQuery password strength meter plugin.  Many websites give an indicator of how secure a password is, and require a minimum standard of security. However this is always poorly implemented with rules such as 'must require a number' even if the password is 30 characters long and clearly very secure. Often the only requirement is a minimum number of characters, a very poor indicator of password strength.
Complexify calculates a rating for the password based on how difficult it would be to brute-force it. What does this actually mean?

If I have an 8 character password that only uses lower case characters, it's not good enough and I will need to make it better.  But if I have a 25 character password that happens to not have a number in it, I am not going to be forced to add one.

Complexify's default settings will enforce a level of complexity that would mean brute-forcing should take ~600 years on a commodity desktop machine. The 'perfect' password used to scale the complexity percentage would take 3×10^33 years.

Requirements: jQuery
License: WTFPLv2
Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/19/2012 Tags: , , , ,

Javascript onMediaQuery - A Neat Way To Trigger JavaScript When Media Queries Change

Javascript onMediaQuery is a neat way to trigger JS when media queries change.  Jeremy Keith recently posted a fantastic way of getting CSS and Javascript to talk media queries with the CSS :after pseudo-property.  This has a number of advantages over using window.matchMedia(), namely that you only have to maintain your breakpoints in one place, and it fails more gracefully.

Requirements: None
License: MIT License
Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/19/2012 Tags: , , , , ,

Guggenheim.js - A Framework Agnostic Plugin For Creating Sexy Interactive Galleries

Guggenheim.js is a framework agnostic plugin for creating sexy interactive galleries. It uses CSS3 animation (with a fallback to JavaScript) to create animated filtering, reordering and pagination of your gallery.

Requirements: None
License: MIT License

May 18, 2012

Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/18/2012 Tags: , , , , , ,

jqBootstapValidation - A jQueryValidation Plugin For Bootstrap Forms

jqBootstapValidation is a jQuery validation plugin for Twitter Bootstrap forms.  jqBootstapValidation supports the following validators:

HTML5 Based

  • Email
  • Number
  • Required
  • Max
  • Min
  • Max length
  • Min length
  • Pattern

Extra Validators

  • Match
  • Max checked
  • Min checked
  • Regex


  • Mix and multiply

Internally, jqBootstrapValidation only uses data attributes. By default, it will also sniff for native HTML5 form validation attributes, as detailed above.  If you decide this isn't what you want, you can restrict jqBootstrapValidation to only data attributes by setting sniffHtml to false when calling it on your form elements.

By default, jqBootstrapValidtion will prevent forms from submitting if any of their elements fail validation by jqBootstrapValidation.  If you decide this isn't what you want, you can allow submitting of potentially invalid data for validation server-side (or in case you think someone might have a genuine case for exceptional data).

Requirements: jQuery
License: WTFPL
Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/18/2012 Tags: , , , , , , , ,

Disordered List - Controlled Randomness With jQuery

Disordered List - Controlled Randomness With jQuery is a technique for creating a randomly generated messy list.  The best part of it is that it can easily be adapted to randomize just about anything.

Requirements: jQuery
License: Free
Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/18/2012 Tags: , , , , , ,

NegativeGrid - A Lightweight, Fluid CSS Grid Based On A Technique Of Negative Margins

NegativeGrid is a lightweight, fluid CSS grid based on a technique of negative margins.  Negative grid uses a different approach to positioning columns than ordinary grids. Normally, the position of a column is relative to the column on its left (distance set with a left margin). In NegativeGrid the position of all the elements are calculated from the left border of the container. It is all possible due to a simple margin-right: -100% added to columns. There are many benefits of using this technique.

As you may have learnt Opera has problems with calculating percentages (percentage rounding bug) which can ruin the design and is a big problem with fluid layouts. It is especially visible with many narrow columns in a row. Since the positions of columns in the NegativeGrid don’t depend on the positions of columns next to them the possible differences of elements’ width are minimized.

Also, using this technique lets you change horizontal order of columns only by altering left margins – no need to change the order in html! Although I don’t recommended doing that because of accessibility reasons, it may prove quite useful with slideshows.

Requirements: None
License: Free

May 17, 2012

Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/17/2012 Tags: , , , ,

Lostorage.js – A JS Library For Client-Side Storage The Way It Should Be

Lostorage.js uses the HTML5 localStorage and sessionStorage APIs to provide a persistant client-side storage, mainly targeted at web apps. It has a cookie.js like interface.


  • The minified version is 2.0 KiB large, 0.87 KB if minified and gzipped.
  • It has no dependencies.
  • You can store any kind of data with lostorage.js: Booleans, numbers, strings, arrays and plain objects. With the usual localStorage you can just read strings.
  • lostorage.js supports chaining.

Requirements: None
License: MIT License
Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/17/2012 Tags: , , , ,

Harvey.js - A State Manager For CSS Media Queries

Harvey.js is a state manager for CSS media queries.  Media queries are great for visual tweaks and simple behavioral switches, but they become difficult to rely on when behaviors change for larger or smaller devices. Harvey helps you monitor and manage those changes by firing an event whenever your media query is activated.

This method is preferable to relying on a screen resize event because you only receive an event when the query is matched - not for every screen resize. Less testing and more doing.

Requirements: None
License: Free
Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/17/2012 Tags: , , , ,

OmniWindow - Extremely Customizable Modal Window jQuery Plugin

OmniWindow is an extremely customizable modal window plugin for jQuery with 139 lines of code, written specially for programmers.


  • Modal window is not an image gallery.
  • HTML and CSS should be outside of the plugin code.
  • You can decide yourself which animations will annoy user's eyes.
  • Magic numbers and tons of options? Not here.
  • Callbacks are good for javascript.
  • Default behaviour should be unobtrusive.
  • 150 lines of code are enough for modal window plugin.

Requirements: jQuery
License: MIT License

May 16, 2012

Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/16/2012 Tags: , , ,

JavaScriptSQL - A Database Engine Developed Entirely With JavaScript

JSSQL is a database engine developed entirely with JavaScript. It is a tool for developers to interpret and execute SQL statements on a offline database. It has a conversion class developed in PHP for use with relational databases (ex. PostgreSQL, MySQL, etc..) that generates a series of data files, then the database engine in JavaScript (JSSQL) accesses the data through SQL querys and return a set of records, similar to any database engine. This is useful for querying offline databases dynamically without increasing the work of the web server or better yet: without the need for a database server.

Requirements: None
License: GPLv3
Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/16/2012 Tags: , , ,

Benchmark.js - A Robust Benchmarking Library That Works On Nearly All JavaScript Platforms

Benchmark.js is a robust benchmarking library that works on nearly all JavaScript platforms, supports high-resolution timers, and returns statistically significant results.

Requirements: None
License: MIT License
Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/16/2012 Tags: , , , ,

CSS3 PIE - CSS3 Decorations For IE 6-9

PIE stands for Progressive Internet Explorer. It is an IE attached behavior which, when applied to an element, allows IE to recognize and display a number of CSS3 properties.

CSS Level 3 brings with it some incredibly powerful styling features. Rounded corners, soft drop shadows, gradient fills, and so on. These are the kinds of elements our designer friends love to use because they make for attractive sites, but are difficult and time-consuming to implement, involving complex sprite images, extra non-semantic markup, large JavaScript libraries, and other lovely hacks.

PIE currently adds full or partial support to IE 6 through 8 for the following CSS3 features:
  • border-radius
  • box-shadow
  • border-image
  • multiple background images
  • linear-gradient as background image
In addition, PIE adds support for border-image and linear-gradient to IE 9, which already supports the other features natively.

Other features are under active development.

Requirements: None
License: Apache License v2.0 or GPL

May 15, 2012

Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/15/2012 Tags: , , , , , ,

jQuery.JamCity Plugin - Show Off Your Music On Your Website With A Beautiful Layout

jQuery.JamCity uses the API from to get your account top albums ( Font: m api: getTopAlbums), loved tracks ( api: getLovedTracks), top tracks ( api: getTopTracks), new releases ( api: getNewReleases), or recent tracks ( api: getRecentTracks). It then takes that information and displays a beautiful layout using CSS3, jQuery, etc. You can then show off your music on your blog or website.

Requirements: jQuery, API Key
License: MIT License or GPL
Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/15/2012 Tags: , , , ,

jQuery Super Labels Plugin - A jQuery Plugin For Sexy Labels Over Text Fields

jQuery Super Labels is a plugin born out of the need to use the label-over-field method for forms. There are other plugins out there that do pretty much the same thing, but none of them had the - for lack of a better word - sexiness that the developer was looking for. This implementation makes the label slide across the field when gaining focus and fade out when a value is entered.  Check out the demo to get a better idea:

Requirements: jQuery
License: MIT License
Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/15/2012 Tags: , , , , , ,

jq-IdealForms - A Small Framework To Build Awesome Responsive Forms

jq-idealforms is a small framework to build awesome responsive forms. It's built on top of jQuery and LESS.


  • Fully responsive. (aka adaptive, adapts to the container, no css media queries needed)
  • Keyboard support.
  • Customizable input types with LESS, the dynamic css language.
  • "On the spot" validation.
  • Placeholder support for every browser.


The adaptive approach is the key to responsiveness everywhere, compatible with every browser, and works with any grid system.

Requirements: jQuery
License: GPLv2

May 14, 2012

Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/14/2012 Tags: , , , , ,

jQuery Transit - Super-Smooth CSS3 Transformations And Transitions For jQuery

jQuery Transit is a jQuery plugin which provides super-smooth CSS3 transformations and transitions for jQuery.  The following transformations are available:
  • x(px)
  • y(px)
  • translate(x, y)
  • rotate(deg)
  • rotateX(deg)
  • rotateY(deg)
  • rotate3d(x, y, z, deg)
  • scale(x, [y])
  • perspective(px)
  • skewX(deg) 

Requirements: jQuery
License: MIT License
Author: Hirvesh Posted At: 5/14/2012 Tags: , , , ,

Tablecloth.js - A jQuery Plugin That Helps You Easily Style HTML Tables Along With Some Simple Customizations

Tablecloth.js is a jQuery plugin that helps you easily style HTML tables along with some simple customizations.  Styling tables is typically tedious and time-consuming. If you'd rather spend your valuable time making the other elements of your site pretty, use Tablecloth to do the heavy lifting.

Requirements: jQuery
License: MIT License

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